Can You Put Quotes In A Research Paper

2 min readJan 12, 2021

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The answer is: yes. you can end a research paper with a quote but bear in mind how to do this efficiently. Also you can write research paper with picture. Give context to a quote. This is a typical mistake to use some author’s words and not to explain them.

Quotations are used primarily when the source explicitly explains what the researcher likes to say. The researcher uses a quote in a research when any changes made by paraphrasing the source would not be effective. This means that a quote in a research paper has a vital role but its use should be limited to where paraphrasing is not worth to do.

A well-placed quotation can make a big impact. Quotations play a vital role in your research paper. But knowing how to use quotes appropriately is almost as important as using them in the first place. An incorrectly placed quote or too many quotes at once can lessen the impact.

Including verbatim quotations from research participants has become effectively standard practice in much qualitative social research. and some research funders now …

A direct quotation reproduces words verbatim from another work or from your own previously published work. It is best to paraphrase sources rather than directly quoting them because paraphrasing allows you to fit material to the context of your paper and writing style. …

If you use a lot of terms to write research paper. you can group and classify them with the help of a chart or scheme. Such a format allows you to make a huge piece of information structured and understandable. To attract attention. Sometimes a graphic image can serve for attracting the attention of your readers. Such images may be included in a research paper when you write about pieces of . . .

You can use a direct quote if it is longer but you would need to put it in a different context in your paper. You would put parenthesis around sources that are about a sentence or less long and you would put longer direct quotes in a single spaced and indented box …

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A research paper presents an original thought and supports that thought with solid factual research. A bullet list from a credible source is one way to support an original thought. but properly formatting the quotation in the paper is tricky. Proper quotation and citation is important in research papers in order to avoid plagiarism.




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